Oct 24, 2012

What to do for higher blog visitors (Green Alert : Third Priority)

What to do for higher blog visitors (Green  Alert : Third Priority) Front
You must have read all about, what should you do for higher site visitors and what must you do so that those bots do not shy away from your website, but love it. 

But you still cannot declare openly, that you've tried all that exists. No, not until you've read the following article. Now you might have read all about keywords and SEO in the last article, Now its time to go a little further. 

You may or may not have read the previous Articles to this series (Red Alert : First Priority and Yellow Alert : Second Priority), 

Now its time for the third and final article, i.e. Green alert, third priority.

Hyper Hyperlinking
You might have noticed now the importance of hyperlinks for the vitality of your blog. Now when you write a new post, link some words in the post to your previous posts, not only this, try linking words to sources other than your own website and Google will repay you when its bots visit your website (see how does Google rank your website).

Indirect approach to social networks
Same strategy applies to your social-network. Don't shy about what will people think, try and popularize your older posts through pictures, sneak peak at some writings, etc. Also try and make friends with bloggers on social networks, watch and learn their tricks. Not only social networks but also forums, and answering websites like answers.com, yahoo answers.

Use other blogs for reading
For better content, identify authoritative blogs and web sites for newer ideas and content, but remember never copy. Plagiarism will be dealt with, very seriously by leading search engines. Also format your previous posts written months ago, with newer formatting schemes followed by you in the present. For free publicity find websites that release press information on net.

PR with your potential Visitors
Regarding visitors, more your contact with them the better, Ask for feedback for your blog in forums, threads and social networks. Help visitors on other websites and point them to your blog if you think that your post will help them genuinely. Interact with them through social networks and through forms (for that Google forms are better than others) either . Show your presence by commenting on blogs (other than yours). not only this, but also respond to comments on your blogs and be sure to thank people for their generous comments. Also remove spam from the comments as they do not depict a good picture of your blog environment.

Be Omnipresent
increase connections by creating a name for your blog by signing up at different places and offering services, like YouTube, Flickr, Photobucket etc.

For More information on SEO tactics and content improvement, try out codemakit's 'The SEO and content Guide' free e-book in pdf.

Other Articles in the series

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Red Alert : First Priority)

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Yellow Alert : Second Priority)

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Green Alert : Third Priority)

Higher Blog Visitors Series Finale

This was all about
What to do for higher blog visitors (Green  Alert : Third Priority) MohitChar